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Computer Question Bank
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When you press and release the secondary mouse button you are ….
  1. Right clicking
  2. Left clicking
  3. Either a or b
  4. None of above

Q2. The maximum size of a write file is limited to only

  1. Name of the file
  2. Extension of the file
  3. The amount of memory in your computer
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: the way a particular application views the data from the database that the applicaton uses is a

  1. Module
  2. Relational model
  3. Schema
  4. Sub-schema
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Excel:when you print preview a worksheet

  1. the entire worksheet is displayed
  2. the selected range is displayed
  3. the active portion of the worksheet is displayed
  4. a, b and c
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms PowerPoint:The maximum zoom percentage in Microsoft PowerPoint is

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 5
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: Which of the following creates a drop down list of values to choose from a list?

  1. OLE Object
  2. Hyperlink
  3. Memo
  4. Lookup Wizard
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Excel:How do you display current date only in MS Excel?

  1. date ()
  2. Today ()
  3. now ()
  4. time ()
Correct Answer

Q8. Which of the following keyboard have 83 keys?

  1. XT keyboards
  2. AT keyboards
  3. Enhanced keyboards
  4. Windows keyboards
Correct Answer

Q9. Which is the highest form?

  1. Data
  2. Information
  3. Knowledge
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: A(n) _______________ query makes changes to or moves records in a dynaset, in a single operation.

  1. select
  2. summary
  3. parameter
  4. action
Correct Answer

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